Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

With our service we provide, we are absolutely frank that being FREE followers is of poorer quality compared to the PAID (premium followers) we sell. The FREE followers are also available in much smaller bundles since we have a much smaller user pool. It all depends on the parameters.
Both followers in both FREE and PAID packages are drip-fed, which means that, depending on the amount, we can deliver the followers over a few days or even a week. From an outside view, this is to make it appear more normal. Please allow your followers to be shipped at some time before contacting us.
On TikTok, we have free followers who are genuine individuals. No bots, no fake accounts, only real users of TikTok who value good content.
We also partnered with an advertising network that pays TikTok users a small incentive for demanding subsequent accounts. It's a very easy process, contact us for more details.
Please allow the order to be put in "Processing" one day after paying for it. Upon processing your order (Will be able to track it on PayPal). On average, it will then take about 3 days for the followers to be shipped. But if the package is bigger, the drip feed time could be longer.
Depending on the videos you make after the followers are delivered, the users we deliver are REAL and will naturally increase your likes.
Unfortunately, we will not reverse until all the followers have been shipped, meaning we can not refund you either as we paid our advertising network to follow you for paying their TikTok users.
Yeah, if you are searching for more than 8,000 followers, then please feel free to contact us for a custom kit.
Yeah, there is no BOTS or automation involved, all is real meaning that TikTok is unable to penalize/ban your account to gain natural followers! With your questions, feel free to contact us.
Now is the time to get busy sharing material that's entertaining and appealing to others. Don't get lazy as you will start losing your followers and that's not what everyone wants!
We connect globally with TikTok users, which means we can give them competitive rates that work both ways! This means we can provide everyone with affordable TikTok followers!